Promotion Ritam Saha January 21st, 2018 In our country, a child’s capability is adjudged by his report card. Here, a 39 is looked upon with disgust when a child does not pass and a 99 is looked at with equal or greater disgust as the child failed to get full marks. In later stages, when schools allow subject choices, the science stream is often perceived as the stream where all the “knowledgeable” people go, to be defaulted as doctors or engineers when it's time to make a career choice. Here, young students are brought in aplenty and their wings and ambitions are clipped before they are immersed in complicated formulas, laws and numbers. For Aahan, his mother had decided when he was only eleven that he was going to be a doctor. When it was time for him to select a stream in high school, or rather his parents to select him a stream, (the subject choice form demanded only the parents’ signatures) he was put into science. “My boy’s studying science!” announced Aahan’s prou...
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