
Showing posts from February, 2019

Cappadocia : Land Of White Horses And Fairy Chimneys

The Land Of Fairy Chimneys Kapadokya, anglicized and referred to hereafter as Cappadocia, is located in central Turkey, and is one of the most striking places on the planet to travel to. It is often referred to as Instagram's favourite location. In the vast Anatolian desert, the monotony of continuous sands is interrupted by steep, tall rocks - numbered in thousands, which have held countless events of history within their hollow insides and given rise to thousands of stories, all unique. People often fail to realise how big the area known as Cappadocia really is. The region encircles not only the province and city of Nevsehir, where the actual fairy chimneys are located, but also nearby Kayseri, whose airport brings in half the number of visitors arriving in Cappadocia. There are two airports that serve the touristic area in and around Goreme. These are the Kayseri Erkilet Airport, and the The flight from Antalya arrived on time Nevsehir Kapadokya Airport. Both are se

Ecocriticism : Where Literature And The Environment Meet

Picture Source : Internet Since time immemorial, works of literature have spoken of the exchanges between man and environment. The first work of global literature and of an international faith, the Holy Bible, records such interactions right from its first chapter in its first book - The Book of Genesis. Thus appears the first instruction through the book of God to man to protect the Earth that He created. Genesis 1:26 "Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.'" The ancient Romans were known to worship the Earth. The Greeks did so too. From the soil which hosted life upon it sprung the many tales of mythological fantasy - the likes of which continue to inspire and influence the modern literary critic and contributor. Greek myths personified regular natural patterns like th